LSTM has the largest complement of containment level 3 (CL3) laboratories in the North West.
Our suite is a purpose designed unit for the safe handling of organisms classified as ACDP Hazard Group 3. The unit has a controlled air supply and filtered air extraction system with a maintained and monitored negative air differential. The rooms are sealed to allow safe fumigation in the event of aerosol release and are equipped with two Class II microbiological safety cabinets per room.
The facility is self-contained in terms of equipment (incubators, sealed bucket centrifuges, fridges and freezers) with a newly purchased Varioskan™ LUX multimode microplate reader allowing compound screens/viability tests.
All personnel working within this suite must be CL3 trained, supervised and monitored by the CL3 manager Dr Gavin Laing.
For further information/booking contact Professor Giancarlo Biagini and/or Dr Gavin Laing